Wonderful Tenerife – Part 4 – A mesmerizing journey through Anaga hills

The north-eastern hilly region of Tenerife is known as Anaga. Of the triangular island this region forms one of the narrow vertices that tapers into the sea. It has a unique
terrain that harbors an indigenous flora. Its main feature is the Laurisilva or Laurel forest that is typically found in the warm and temperature stable subtropical zones.

Wonderful Tenerife – Part 3 – A journey to the summit of Teide

This road from the southern coast presents an ever-changing exciting collage of scenic geological vistas. At times the street was lined with multi-colored rocks and shrubs,
while at other times it was lined with dense pine forests immersed in fog. Suddenly the bus entered a mountain pass. On emerging out of the pass, the main peak of Teide could be seen rising directly in the front.

Wonderful Tenerife – Part 2 – An adventurous trek in Mesca gorge

This is the Mesca spring. At times the brook ran along innocently and playfully along the trail while at other times it surged and thundered down the rocks like a waterfall.  The brook criss-crossed the path a number of times. Hence, many a times we, the trekkers, had to walk through puddles of
water. The rocks, made smooth and slippery by the flowing water, tested our skill in maintaining our balance. As the path winded down the slopes, the surrounding peaks appeared to loom taller and taller. At one point, the path led down into a deep gorge.

अद्भुतरम्य टेनेरीफं – भाग ४ – रमणीय अनागा टेकड्या

पुढचा दिवस ठरला होता अनागा टेकड्यांमधल्या भटकंतीसाठी. टेनेरीफं बेटाच्या ईशान्येकडचा डोंगराळ भाग अनागा म्हणून ओळखला […]

अद्भुतरम्य टेनेरीफं – भाग ३ – टेईडं शिखर आरोहण

पुढच्या दिवशी टेईडं या सुप्त ज्वालामुखीवर जायचं ठरवलं. टेनेरीफं बेटाच्या मधोमध स्थित असलेला हा ज्वालामुखी […]

अद्भुतरम्य टेनेरीफं – भाग २ – मस्का दरीतली थरारक पायवाट

आज टेनेरीफंमधला दुसरा दिवस. आजचा दिवस मस्का व्हॅली (Masca valley) मध्ये पदभ्रमण करण्यासाठी निश्चित केला […]

अद्भुतरम्य टेनेरीफं – भाग १ – टेनेरीफं ची तोंडओळख

आजकाल मराठीतून होणारे ब्लॉगिंग एकदमच तेजीत आहे. एकीकडे मराठी साहित्याचा होणारा ऱ्हास वगैरे निराशाजनक चर्चा […]