Wonderful Tenerife – Part 2 – An adventurous trek in Mesca gorge

This is the Mesca spring. At times the brook ran along innocently and playfully along the trail while at other times it surged and thundered down the rocks like a waterfall.  The brook criss-crossed the path a number of times. Hence, many a times we, the trekkers, had to walk through puddles of
water. The rocks, made smooth and slippery by the flowing water, tested our skill in maintaining our balance. As the path winded down the slopes, the surrounding peaks appeared to loom taller and taller. At one point, the path led down into a deep gorge.

अद्भुतरम्य टेनेरीफं – भाग २ – मस्का दरीतली थरारक पायवाट

आज टेनेरीफंमधला दुसरा दिवस. आजचा दिवस मस्का व्हॅली (Masca valley) मध्ये पदभ्रमण करण्यासाठी निश्चित केला […]