Wonderful Tenerife – Part 3 – A journey to the summit of Teide

This road from the southern coast presents an ever-changing exciting collage of scenic geological vistas. At times the street was lined with multi-colored rocks and shrubs,
while at other times it was lined with dense pine forests immersed in fog. Suddenly the bus entered a mountain pass. On emerging out of the pass, the main peak of Teide could be seen rising directly in the front.

अद्भुतरम्य टेनेरीफं – भाग ३ – टेईडं शिखर आरोहण

पुढच्या दिवशी टेईडं या सुप्त ज्वालामुखीवर जायचं ठरवलं. टेनेरीफं बेटाच्या मधोमध स्थित असलेला हा ज्वालामुखी […]