Since time immemorial, the Canary Islands were inhabited by a group of people called
the Guanche. The region at the base of Anaga hills was called Aguere. The place
had a lake that was considered to be holy by the locals. In the 15th century after the Spanish inquisition, a city called La Laguna (the lake) was built around the lake. Eventually, it became the capital city of the Canary Islands. During the conquest of the north and south Americas, the Canary
Islands were an important port of call for Spanish seafarers.
अद्भुतरम्य टेनेरीफं – भाग ५ – ऐतिहासिक ला लगुना
आजचा दिवस टेनेरीफं मधला शेवटचा दिवस होता. पुढच्या दिवशी पहाटे ६ च्या सुमारास परतीचं विमान […]